Why is IVDA the Better Choice in Digital Schools?
Flexible Schedule with Highly Qualified Support
Students who attend IVDA will have the option of working from home or going to our separate digital school facility located across from the Southern Gateway Park in Gnadenhutten. We will have plenty of computers for students to use, and more importantly, a certified Intervention Specialist teacher who can help students who need face-to-face help. Students can use this facility as much or as little as they want. Like other digital schools, students can also use IVDA online 24/7. With traditional digital schools, a student can typically only connect with a teacher electronically (e.g. via email) if the student is having difficulties with the work. Face-to-face human contact is often lost. With IVDA, you can always get that personal help if and when you need it.
Continue Being an Indian Valley Student
If you attend IVDA, you are still an Indian Valley student since this is a credit flexibility option. That means you can play sports, join clubs, go to dances, - anything any other Indian Valley student can do. You won’t miss the fun part of the “high school experience!” No regrets later that you didn’t play baseball or try out for the school play or go to the prom.
Receive an Indian Valley High School Diploma
This is a major point. The curriculum you take at IVDA will be monitored and approved by Indian Valley Schools. It will meet both Indian Valley standards and the State of Ohio Core Curriculum standards. When you graduate, your diploma will say “Indian Valley High School”, not “XYZ Virtual School” or “XYZ Digital Academy.” An Indian Valley diploma is of great value. With traditional digital schools, when a student graduates, his/her diploma will be from some “digital academy” or “virtual school”. While the State of Ohio fully recognizes these diplomas, the truth is that unfortunately there are employers and/or colleges who secretly do not consider a “digital diploma” to be of equal value. The U.S. military has told us that they will not even accept a diploma from a digital school if that school isn’t a part of an existing traditional school.
Your Tax Dollars Stay at Home
By keeping students local, your tax dollars stay local. Keeping those dollars at home helps us as we try to delay going back to the taxpayers for new money. Every dollar counts. From a school district’s perspective, when a student goes to a digital school, the tax dollars from that family follow the student to where he/she is attending. If you go to ECOT, your tax dollars go Columbus; TRECA goes to Marion; QDA goes to New Phila. Last year alone, Indian Valley lost $457,000 in tax dollars that were transferred out of our district and sent elsewhere. That amount in lost revenue at Indian Valley is the same as a 3 Mill Levy.
Program Links
Google Workspace for Education
IVDA Student Handbook
7:50am - 3:00pm
24 hours / 7 days a week
Indian Valley Digital Academy
188 Southern Gateway St
Gnadenhutten, OH 44629